What is whatslive.tv
Whatslive.tv is a community website for streamers and viewers. You can post your live-events on the timeline for everyone to see. Using the website is completely free.
Is the website finished?
Whatslive.tv is currently in testing phase. We encourage you to excessively use all the features of the website and report bugs or suggest ideas via the contact form. We appreciate all feedback and testing.
Account Settings:
Set up an event-template in your settings to easily create recurring events.
Verified Account:
You get a green validation icon next to your avatar frame when your account and stream link is verified by our support team. You can speed up this process if you send us your account-details directly.
The first thing you should do is to check your timezone. Is the time you see at the top of the page the same that you have on your mobile phone or computer? If not, you can select your timezone from the dropdown menu next to the time.
If you are part of an organization, a guild or some other kind of team, you can use it to show your connection. You can also sort the eventlist by teams.
Border Color:
You get new border-colors for your events on predetermined time-periods on the age of your account. You can use your new colors to make your events more eye-catching.
If you select 'follow only', you only see events from people who are in your follow-list.
You can select and deselect the categories you are interested in. If you are missing a category, you can suggest it via the contact form.
Get a Slot:
We can not show everybody in the Feature Slider on top of the main page. If you want to promote one of your events in there - send us the whatslive.tv-event via contact form